SCREAM premiered on the 9th and TONIGHT is the big reveal find out WHO’S BEHIND THE MASK & the KILLER phone calls! Let’s get catched up SCREAMERS!
The latest episode picked up with the hours after this occurrence [The Killer drowning Zoe and Maggie then leaving a note to the Killer to test if he really was the OG Killer/ex-lover from the OG massacre] which held the Killer entering the Duval house with a key —so right there you uncovered the Killer is somewhat close to the Duval’s to even HAVE a key—, Emma waking up to finding signs the Killer was in the house grabbed a pair of scissors for defense, but to her surprise she was only met by the haunting appearance of to a necklace with her name carved into a wideled heart hung on it, just like the OG Killer (a.k.a Brandon James) 20 years earlier gave to her mother Maggie. Cops soon showed up (I’m guessing because Emma called them, I did not catch the alarm go off, I mean he had a key) and Maggie then blamed herself for provoking James, if he really did return. Keiran then showed up to the scene to comfort his GF, leaving Eli alone in the house who conviently was negaladly eating cereal at 3 am. Is Eli a suspect?
We now find Noah, in the same position Jake was in last season after the Killer attacked him, laid up in the hospital. But, different than Jake, Noah was also mourning the tragic murder of his girlfriend Zoe. Emma and the gang soon show up to then be instructed by Noah to tear down his “murder board” in the wake of a rude awaking of his after the Killer’s “win” [the Killer killed Zoe brutally and made Noah discover her]. As Emma and the gang made it down to Noah’s they discovered a piece of evidence the police neglected to acknowledge: in the background of a newspaper clipping of Emma’s ex-boyfriend Will’s funeral (also murdered by the Killer) Eli was pictured, way before he even was introduced to Lakewood. What were you doing there Eli??! Did Will know Eli? Was Will one of the killer’s and Eli and him were pulling a Billy and Stu??? Did Wil turn on Eli?
Audry during the murder board take-down, discovered a list of photos of Noah and Zoe at the Lakewood Days Carnival. So as Audry went to visit Noah, that inspired him to do one last podcast and the Killer texted Audry. Audry, Keiran and Emma then placed the blame on Eli due to the text reading something along the lines of “your friend likes cut people off” and Emma cut off Eli after she found out he was creep (look below for the links to find out why) soooo. So this then leads the three to Keiran’s house, where his aunt Tina and cousin Eli are staying.
Inside, we find Eli’s mom Tina packing luggage to flee the town after the Mayor offered her thousands too. Tina then revealed her and Eli had “secrets” and if they didn’t leave they’d soon come out. This begs the question and also confirms the theory, was/is Eli involved in the Lakewood massacre? Adding to the truthfulness of the theory, Eli declared he was going to “take care of the mayor”. We now find Eli break into the Mayor’s house to steal files from him, to use as bait for his [Mayor Maddox’s] possible murder, or as a form of black-mail to get away with more murders.
During this the Sheriff makes it down to the hospital where he then confronts Ms. Lang on taping her students, her connection to Piper and who she thinks would be a possible Piper accomplice/copy-cat. Lang then dropped the bomb, she thinks Stavo (the Sheriff’s son) and Emma (Lakewood Massacre Final Girl) are possible copy-cats of Piper’s. This was all before she set the record straight she didn’t or doesn’t even remember Piper being with her at the Orphanage. Uhh.. ok.
Keiran as he snuck into his own house into Eli’s room for incriminating evidence, he discovered a binding of Audry’s letters to Piper, along with a few childhood pics of Emma, of all of which the Killer was using to harass the two and/or give them and the police clues to his madness. As the evidence became even more overwhelming incriminating against Eli. Audry in fear of Eli’s attacks instructed Keiran to return the binding and for Emma and her to set off for the James Pig Farm (the place the Killer was using for his murders) to investigate, while the supposed Killer is occupied. On the way Keiran was alerted by text.
Brooke after being on a hiatus with Stavo from home after Stavo revealed to her, her father’s connection with Jake before his gruesome murder, returned home. During Brooke’s return, her father Mayor Maddox returned in to greet her, but soon after he got a text from the Killer that if he didn’t follow his rules and meet him at the James Pig Farm (this is a copycat killing spree and the James Pig farm is owned by the OG Killer’s family) he was going to drop the truth bomb on Lakewood. One question…ahem…WHAT SECRET! I hate politics. So anyway: As Maddox is in a sweat and makes plans to abide, Stavo, returned home as well, but only shortly later to make a bee-line for Noah at the hospital. During Stavo’s visiting Noah, he convinced Noah to continue his podcast and on his exit, he emailed Noah an excerpt from his graphic novel of Noah being attacked by the Killer and then continuing his podcast in a very meta, heroic role. This in-turn convinces Noah to continue, and later we find him recording a eulogy to Zoe/latest episode for “The Morgue”.
During that Emma and Audry make it down to the Pig Farm and investigate the James house, inside they find Emma’s dream journal turned to the page of Emma’s dream of when she killed her friends. During THIS, outside Mayor Maddox shows up and enters the pig farm as planned and after a suspenseful couple minutes or so later he meets his end by the Killer and hits the floor close to death. Emma and Audry made it outside to the scene to help the Mayor survive but that in-turn ended up framing them for his murder. The sheriff shows up by tip by Maggie (Emma’s mom) and arrests Emma and Audry for the murder. Was that Eli? Looked like it!
Not to mention before Emma’s and Audry’s arrest, the Killer hacked Noah’s computer, and published a “The Morgue: Exclusive”, which in-turn exposed Audry for her sins and incriminated Emma as the Killer. Looks to me this he-said she said debate when it comes to a season end tonight, is going to be one epic reveal!
All THIS evidence, DEFINITELY stamps PSYCHO KILLER on the forehead of Eli’s!
The Fuel rates this episode- 4/5 stars
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